Neonatología. Anexos ❚ 65 13 6.4.3 Immunity and infection: The trainee will understand the development of immunity and the vulnerability of the newborn to infection. Knowledge of basic microbiology with familiarity of relevant pathogens and their antibiotic susceptibility, of antibiotic resistance and stewardship is expected, including maternal and newborn immunisation. 6.4.4 Neurology : The trainee will demonstrate proficiency at clinical assessment. This includes investigation (including cerebral ultrasound scanning) and management of a range of neurological disorders, including preterm and term brain injury, congenital malformations, intracranial trauma and seizures. Trainees should be confident in the indication and provision of therapeutic hypothermia for infants at risk of hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE). Knowledge of interpreting amplitude integrated electro-encephalograms (aEEG) is desirable, as well as a working knowledge of interpreting magnet resonance imaging (MRI) images of intra-cranial structures, for instance to look for signs of effect of hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE). 6.4.5 Fluid balance, thermoregulation and renal failure : The trainee will be able to initiate and manage the thermal environment of preterm and term babies, and manage fluid balance in such babies, demonstrating a full understanding and knowledge of the underlying physiology - with special reference to the rapid postnatal changes in body water distribution and transepidermal water loss. The trainee will be able to diagnose and initiate treatment of renal failure. 6.4.6 Nutrition, feeding, gastro-intestinal and hepatic disease: The trainee will understand the importance and principles of neonatal nutrition and be able to provide comprehensive nutritional support to well and sick newborn babies, including the recognition and treatment of common complications; the trainee will be able to recognise both common congenital gastro-intestinal and hepatic anomalies and acquired neonatal disease. 6.4.7 Haematology and transfusion: The trainee will be able to diagnose and manage the range of haematological disorders found in newborn babies. The trainee will be conversant with the full range of blood components available for transfusion and the appropriate use of each. 6.4.8 Cardiorespiratory intensive care: The trainee will be able to institute and maintain full cardiorespiratory intensive care for preterm and sick term newborn babies. This will include a full working knowledge of the principles and application of a range of ventilatory modalities, of circulatory support, indication and provision of short-term and long-term intravenous and inhaled pulmonary vasodilators, and management of cardio-respiratory complications. In addition, the trainee should be able to formulate a care plan for the baby with chronic respiratory disease and be aware of the potential long-term complications. Trainees are strongly encouraged to learn functional echocardiography. 6.4.9 Metabolism and endocrine disorders: The trainee will demonstrate proficiency in the recognition, assessment, investigation and management of the more common and important metabolic and endocrine disorders. 6.4.10 Congenital anomalies and genetic disease: The trainee will be able to recognise common congenital anomalies, to investigate babies with such lesions and to use literature and database searches to identify rare conditions and communicate such information to parents. 6.4.11 Resuscitation/stabilisation: The trainee will be able to institute and lead neonatal resuscitation/ stabilisation both of the term and preterm baby and to distinguish between interventions that are needed to restore vital organ functions (resuscitation) or to support transition (stabilisation). The trainee should have presented the knowledge of the latest European Resuscitation Council (ERC) / International Liaison