Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 66 ❚ 14 Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) Guidelines, necessary practical skills, and demonstrated a full understanding of the physiology and treatments involved. Trainees are encouraged to take part in standardised courses of neonatal resuscitation offered by their institutions or other bodies (e.g. ERC Newborn Life Support (NLS), European School of Neonatology, NOTE or EBN courses). They should also know criteria for the application of therapeutic hypothermia and be able to use it appropriately in the post-resuscitation care. 6.4.12 Ward organisation / Management skills / Clinical governance : The trainee will have demonstrated skills at leading clinical rounds, be able to carry out the administrative duties required to run a neonatal unit and will have organised and attended perinatal meetings, unit meetings and clinical governance meetings. 6.4.13 Structured clinical hand over: For clinical hand over of patients, a clear structure should be trained and followed. The SBAR format (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) is advised as the gold standard for clinical handovers. 6.4.14 Communication skills and counselling: The trainee will acquire adequate skills in communication with parents and staff, both individually and as part of a team, during their training. This includes experience at breaking bad news, handling perinatal death and discussing prognosis with parents. 6.4.15 Ethics : The trainee should be competent in the basic ethics of newborn medicine, the recognition and practice of treatment at the threshold of viability, end-of-life care decisions, etc. in accordance to the national laws. 6.5 Experiences in other areas It is advised that the trainee develops expertise in more detail in one of the areas covered by competency (for example transport, metabolic disease, nutrition), the mandated areas listed above (4.1: Neonatal Surgery and/or Neonatal Cardiac Surgery, Fetal Medicine, Follow-up and Clinical Genetics) or develop expertise in areas not covered, for example paediatric cardiology or an area of relevant research. We strongly advise individuals to develop ’special interests’ throughout their three-year training programme (on which they may wish to concentrate for up to 12 months of training, or following the completion of a two-year programme). 6.6 Recording of progress An educational portfolio registers a student’s cumulative educational activities and learning outcomes over time. In specific, through an assessment framework, it records his/her academic, professional and personal progress. We recommend that each trainee develops such a portfolio incorporating the assessment opportunities listed under point 10. The portfolio will be curated jointly by trainee and mentor. The latter will also be in charge of signing off the trainee at the requisite level annually. The portfolio should comprise the components listed in section 10 – Table 1: Recording of progress – portfolio components. 7. TRAINING PROGRAMMES 7.1 Training programmes We recommend that institutions that wish to provide neonatal subspecialist training develop a prospectus detailing the proposed plan of for their training programme. This should include details of how experience