Neonatología. Anexos ❚ 69 17 prematurity, fetal growth restriction and intrapartum hypoxia), diagnosis and counselling associated with cerebral palsy, visual and hearing defects, chronic respiratory problems and an understanding of the importance of other neurocognitive outcomes. 8.1.9 Ethical issues and legal problems: including National and European practice For more information, please see Table 3: Key neonatal competences . 9. SPECIALTY SPECIFIC SKILLS AND PRINCIPLES The specialty specific skills for Neonatology are summarised in Table 4: Summary of principles Neonatology . Please refer to that section of the document found below. 10. TABLES TABLE 1: Recording of progress – portfolio components Assessment Category Summary Assessment Opportunity Evidence of completion of key domains Experience in neurological and developmental assessment, of neonatal surgical conditions and working understanding of principles of fetal medicine. - to provide evidence of completion of key areas of the curriculum. - to implement a theoretical multiple- response questionnaire. - to show ability to manage practical cases. Reflective notes covering competency domains Reflective notes covering each of the defined key competency domains, based on a single case for each domain and suitably referenced. These should not be longer than two sides of A4 (10 point Arial type, 2cm margins; exclusive of references) and be read by, discussed with and appraised by their supervisor. - to record reflective notes covering each of the defined key competency areas. - to prepare formal and informal reflections on competence assessments. - to keep an account of the training received and problems encountered. - to prepare statements of theoretical and practical experience accumulated by the trainee. - to keep log-book of patients seen, procedures conducted, diagnosis and therapeutic interventions instigated and followed-up. - to evaluate practical abilities as described in the log-book. Attendance of one regional, national and international event Evidence of attendance at a minimum one regional and one national meeting annually, and one - to attend international professional, scientific meetings. - to keep evidence of attendance at local, regional and national meetings.