Neonatología. Anexos ❚ 71 19 LEADER Focuses on leadership skills. A trainee is observed leading a team (e.g. during a resuscitation). HAT (Handover assessment tool) Evaluates handover skills. Structured handover (for instance following the SBAR format (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation), hand-over situations are supervised and discussed. DOC (Discussion of correspondence) Assesses letter writing skills. Clinic letters or discharges are reviewed and discussed. MSF (Multi-source feedback) Provides wider feedback on the performance of the trainee. Confidential comments from a wide range of colleagues, patients and the trainee are sought. TABLE 3: Key neonatal competences and procedures Knowledge Procedural skills Cognitive and communicative skills Family care and care of the newborn baby - knows the normal developmental milestones, developmental delay, morphological variations and the importance of communication with other health care professionals and the parents - values the caregivers and families as partners in care - makes her-/himself available at appropriate times for face to face communications - effectively communicates reg. reaching developmental milestones, developmental delay, morphological variations and means of support Transport of the newborn baby - knows physiological principles of retrieval and transport of the sick newborn - effectively organises and performs retrieval of sick newborn infants - effectively communicates with team and caregivers about needs for and practicalities / risks and benefits of newborn transfer Immunity and infection - knows principles of the developing immunity - knows principle of infection control and treatment of its compromise - recognises signs and symptoms of compromised immunity - develops a clear care plan to prevent and treat newborn infants with compromised - effectively communicates with caregivers and the patients’ families reg. the presentation of newborn infants with compromised immunity and infection, incl. the treatment and anticipated outcomes