Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 72 ❚ 20 immunity and infections Neurology - recognition of common neurologic disorders of the newborn - neurological examination of the newborn infant - basic knowledge of disease specific tests - cranial ultrasound - structured neurological examination of the newborn infant - lumbar puncture - basic ophthalmological examination - aEEG application and interpretation - recognition of MRI signs of major cerebral insults - communication with parents regarding provided care Fluid balance, thermoreg ulation and renal failure - knows physiologic principles of the newborn infants’ fluid balance, including fluid balance - knows principle of eu-glycaemia and its management - understands concept of renal maturity and drug toxicity and interaction - recognises renal failure - formulates a detailed enteral and parenteral feeding plan - effectively manages neonatal hypo- and hyperglycaemia - effectively manages renal failure - communicates effectively with parents and families Nutrition, feeding, gastro- intestinal and hepatic disease - knows the principles of neonatal nutrition, including the recognition and treatment of common complications - formulates a clear feeding plan of the newborn infant - formulates a first response plan for infants with suspected common congenital gastro- intestinal and hepatic anomalies - effectively communicates with team colleagues, specialists and families and caregivers Haematolo gy and transfusion - diagnoses manages the range of haematological - manages the range of haematological disorders - effectively counsels parents regarding common haematological disorders, incl. anaemia and transfusion of blood products