Neonatología. Anexos ❚ 73 21 disorders found in newborn babies - performs exchange transfusion - effectively consents caregivers regards blood product transfusions Cardioresp iratory intensive care - knows the principles of of newborn cardio- pulmonary stabilisation - knowns principles of invasive and non- invasive respirator support - knows principles of circulatory support - formulates a detailed care plan for cardio- pulmonary support - performs point-of- care echocardiography (ECHO) - effectively counsels parents regarding disease specific presentation and prognosis of entity Metabolis m and endocrine disorders - knowledge of pathophysiology of common and important metabolic and endocrine disorders - effectively manages, as the first care provider, common and important metabolic and endocrine disorders - communicates with the caregivers and families of infants with suspected metabolic and endocrine disorders Resuscitati on/stabilis ation - up to date knowledge of national resuscitation guideline - knowledge of measures to prevent temperature instability - knowledge of gestational age specific disease spectrum - non-invasive ventilation - endotracheal intubation - Laryngeal mask airway (LMA) ventilation - umbilical line placement (UAC/ UVC) - thoracic drainage insertion / thoracic air aspiration - principles and practice of newborn transfer - antenatal counselling - team communication during interpartum care - communication with parents during interpartum care - decision on progression or stopping life supporting care in critically compromised patients Ward Organisati on - knows principles of ward organisation and team management - leads ward rounds - effectively communicates with colleagues, allied professionals and carers in the work context