Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 150 ❚ e. Prevention and therapeutic approach 1. Prevention 2. Therapeutic approach a. Know why chest physiotherapy is contraindicated in patients with foreign bodies in major airways b. Know the role of rigid endoscopy in the treatment of foreign body aspiration c. Know the therapy for hemoptysis associated with foreign body aspiration d. Recognize the indications for lobectomy to treat foreign body aspiration e. Know the immediate therapy for tracheal foreign body aspiration f. Know the treatment of lipoid pneumonia in children 3. Side effects of therapy f. Prognosis 1. Natural history 2. Prognosis with therapy 2. Aspiration of liquid and food a. Epidemiology 1. Know the disease states most likely associated with aspiration of food or liquid in children 2. Know the circumstances that predispose children to liquid aspiration 3. Know that bottle propping is associated with the risk of lower airway disease b. Etiology/genetics 1. Recognize the anatomic abnormalities that lead to recurrent pulmonary aspiration of liquids or foods 2. Know that swallowing disorders in the absence of anatomic malformations can lead to recurrent aspiration of liquids and foods 3. Know the association between brain stem abnormalities and swallowing dysfunction c. Pathophysiology 1. Pathology a. Recognize the pathologic features characteristic of lipid aspiration in the lungs b. Recognize that chronic aspiration of lipid can lead to interstitial pulmonary fibrosis 2. Path mechanisms and consequences a. Know that pH and volume of substance aspirated are major determinants of the severity of the lung injury in aspiration syndromes b. Understand the pathophysiologic consequences of massive aspiration of gastric contents c. Recognize the role of poor oral hygiene and gingivitis as risks in suppurative lung diseases d. Recognize the bacterial flora associated with pulmonary infections following aspiration of liquids and foods d. Diagnosis and clinical manifestations 1. History a. Know that aspiration of ingested food or liquids can occur without acute coughing or choking