Neumología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 187 a. Arterial sampling 1. Know the indications for and complications of insertion of a pulmonary arterial catheter 2. Know the techniques for sampling arterial blood 3. Know the indications for and complications of insertion of a systemic arterial catheter b. Venous access 1. Understand the indications for and complications of insertion of central catheters and implantable venous access devices in children with acute and chronic pulmonary disorders 3. Pleural drainage a. Recognize the indications for chest tube drainage in children b. Know that rapid evacuation of pleural contents can result in re-expansion pulmonary edema or hypotension c. Recognize the complications associated with chest tube drainage in children d. Understand how a three-chamber system works in conjunction with chest tube drainage e. Know the optimal site of placement of a chest tube for the drainage of a pneumothorax or pleural fluid f. Understand the indications for video-assisted thoracoscopic techniques for the management of empyema 4. Thoracentesis a. Recognize the diagnostic and therapeutic indications for thoracentesis in childhood b. Recognize the indications for pleural biopsy in children c. Know the importance of proper technique for thoracentesis in minimizing risk of bleeding from intercostal arteries d. Know that thoracentesis should be performed in conjunction with ultrasonography or other imaging techniques to drain loculated pleural fluid E. Imaging 1. X-ray studies a. Risks 1. Know that the amount of radiation exposure associated with x-ray study of the chest is extremely small b. Interpretation 1. Know the ages when the sinuses should be pneumatized and can be visualized on x-ray studies 2. Recognize the normal positions of the major and minor fissures on x-ray study of the chest 3. Recognize the radiographic appearance of a normal thymus 4. Recognize the radiographic appearance of lobar consolidation 5. Recognize the radiographic appearance of pneumothorax and tension pneumothorax 6. Recognize the radiographic appearances of paratracheal, mediastinal, and hilar adenopathy 7. Recognize findings typical of a retropharyngeal abscess on a lateral-view x-ray study of the neck