Neumología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 189 3. Angiography a. Know the indications for pulmonary and bronchial arteriography b. Indications 1. Know the indications for pulmonary and bronchial angiography c. Interpretation 1. Recognize arteriovenous malformation on pulmonary angiography 2. Recognize V/Q scan appearance in pneumonia or atelectasis 4. Computed tomography (CT scan) a. Know that computed tomography (CT scan) of the chest provides definition of mediastinal anatomy and intrathoracic masses b. Know that high-resolution thoracic computed tomography (CT scan) is more sensitive than standard radiography in assessing bronchiectasis and interstitial processes c. Know that contrast can be used to differentiate vascular from nonvascular masses on computed tomography (CT scan) d. Know the indication for helical chest computed tomography e. Recognize that chest computed tomography delivers more radiation than standard x-ray studies 5. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) a. Know that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides more detailed definition of central vascular structures than computed tomography (CT scan) b. Understand the difficulties of monitoring children during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) c. Know that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) does not provide definition of bones or lung tissue d. Be able to interpret findings on magnetic resonance imaging of the chest 6. Ultrasonography a. Recognize the indications for ultrasonography of the chest b. Recognize the role of ultrasonography in the evaluation of pleural effusions 7. Nuclear medicine a. Recognize the indications for ventilation- perfusion lung scan b. Be able to interpret the findings on ventilation-perfusion lung scan F. Laboratory diagnostic studies 1. Sputum/nasopharyngeal washes a. Know the characteristics of an adequate sputum sample b. Recognize alveolar macrophages, ciliated cells, leukocytes, and squamous epithelial cells in sputum c. Know that the presence of squamous epithelial cells indicates oropharyngeal contamination of sputum samples d. Know that bacterial culture of sputum samples is complicated by oropharyngeal contamination e. Understand the method of and rationale for obtaining gastric aspirates for mycobacterial culture f. Know that cytology can be used to identify cytomegalovirus infection 2. Pleural fluid analysis (see pleural diseases) 3. Blood analysis (see respiratory failure)