Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 190 ❚ 4. Oximetry (see therapy) 5. Biopsy techniques a. Recognize indications for lung biopsy b. Understand the difference in histologic appearance between caseating and noncaseating granulomas in the lung c. Recognize indications for applying special stains to biopsy material (eg, silver stains, immunofluorescence, fungal stains) d. Recognize the indications for electron microscopy of biopsy specimens of pulmonary tissue 6. Molecular biologic approaches a. Know the role of PCR techniques in the diagnosis of pulmonary diseases 7. Exhaled nitric oxide a. Recognize the techniques, indications, and limitations of exhaled nitric oxide measurement 3. Therapy A. Pharmacologic principles 1. Volume of distribution of drugs a. Understand the definition and principles of volume of distribution of a drug b. Know that volume of distribution of drugs varies throughout infancy and childhood due to changes in body composition 2. Clearance/serum half-life a. Know that if a drug is administered at intervals equivalent to its half-life that it will take approximately five half-lives to reach 97% of the final steady-state plasma concentration b. Know the importance of a loading dose of drugs to achieve therapeutic concentrations rapidly 3. Concentration of drugs in lung secretions/serum a. Understand the relationship between serum concentrations and sputum concentrations of drugs administered systemically B. Bronchodilators (see asthma) 1. Adrenergic drugs a. Indications 1. Know the indications for the administration of epinephrine during resuscitation 2. Recognize the indications for the use of alternate routes of administration to deliver adrenergic agents (eg, ET tube) b. Mechanism of action 1. Understand the mechanism of action of the alpha and beta adrenergic agents c. Clinical effects 1. Recognize actions of alpha and beta adrenergic drugs other than those on smooth muscle 2. Know the relative beta-2-adrenergic receptor selectivity of adrenergic drugs 3. Know the various routes available for delivery of beta-2 drugs and the indications for their use d. Duration of action 1. Know the duration of action of adrenergic drugs that are commonly administered