Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 192 ❚ a. Know that corticosteroids have a broad action on the inflammatory process, including suppression of cytokine generation, airway eosinophil recruitment, and inflammatory mediator release 3. Clinical effects a. Know that corticosteroids can restore beta-adrenergic responsiveness, block the late reaction to allergen, and reduce airway hyper-responsiveness 4. Duration of action a. Understand the relative differences in duration of action of common corticosteroid preparations 5. Toxicity and side effects a. Recognize the clinical side effects of corticosteroids administered by inhalation or systemically b. Know that cataracts can result from treatment with systemic corticosteroids c. Know the impact of corticosteroids on growth d. Know that chronic immune suppression may follow corticosteroid therapy in children e. Know that long-term corticosteroid therapy may be associated with corticosteroid- induced myopathy D. Cromolyn sodium and nedocromil 1. Indications 2. Mechanism of action 3. Clinical effects a. Know that neither cromolyn sodium nor nedocromil acts as a bronchodilator but will block bronchospasm induced by allergen challenge, exercise, and cold air 4. Duration of action 5. Toxicity and side effects E. Leukotriene modifiers 1. Indications a. Know the indications for leukotriene modifiers in the management of asthma 2. Mechanism of action a. Know the mechanisms of action for the different types of leukotriene modifiers 3. Clinical effects a. Recognize the effectiveness of leukotriene modifiers compared to other asthma- controlling medications b. Understand the role of leukotriene modifiers in the management of nocturnal and exercise-induced asthma 4. Duration of action a. Know the duration of action of leukotriene modifiers 5. Toxicity and side effects a. Understand that side effects of leukotriene modifiers are infrequent F. Diuretics 1. Indications (see specific diseases) 2. Mechanism of action a. Understand the renal and nonrenal actions of diuretics 3. Clinical effects 4. Duration of action