Neumología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 195 2. Modes a. Understand the difference between jet and high- frequency oscillatory ventilation b. Know the definitions of intermittent mandatory ventilation, synchronous intermittent mandatory ventilation, and pressure support c. Understand the principles and use of intermittent mandatory ventilation; pressure support; proportional-assist, assist-control, and controlled ventilation; and airway pressure release ventilation d. Recognize the indications for use of high-frequency oscillation and jet ventilation e. Know the limitations of high-frequency oscillation and jet ventilation f. Understand the principles of and indications for time-cycled ventilation g. Recognize the clinical indications for intermittent mandatory ventilation, pressure support, assist- control ventilation, and controlled ventilation h. Recognize the indications for use of negative pressure ventilation 3. Volume- vs pressure-limited mechanical ventilation a. Know the definition of volume-limited ventilation b. Know the definition of pressure-limited ventilation c. Understand the principles of pressure-limited ventilation and volume-limited ventilation and recognize clinical indications for their use 4. Ventilatory parameters a. Inspiratory/expiratory time 1. Know the definition of inspiratory time 2. Understand the effect of inspiratory time on gas distribution 3. Understand the relationship between inspiratory time and peak pressure 4. Understand the relationship between inspiratory time and peak flow 5. Understand the importance of expiratory time with respect to gas trapping during mechanical ventilation 6. Know how to change inspiratory time to accommodate various clinical situations b. Tidal volume 1. Recognize the factors that affect tidal volume delivered to a patient by a mechanical ventilator 2. Understand the relationship between tidal volume and airway pressure in various modes of ventilation 3. Quantitate the effects of compressible volume on delivered tidal volume 4. Know how to choose an appropriate ventilator tidal volume in various clinical settings c. Rate 1. Know how to choose an appropriate ventilator respiratory rate in various clinical situations d. Wave form 1. Understand the relationship between inspiratory wave form and mean airway pressure 2. Understand the differences in flow-wave form in pressure-limited and volume- limited ventilatory modes e. I:E ratio