Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 198 ❚ 4. Know that for full-time ventilator-dependent patients, diaphragm pacing can be used during wakefulness to improve mobility and rehabilitative potential 5. Know that for patients who are ventilator-dependent only during sleep, diaphragm pacing may be used to remove a tracheostomy, but upper airway obstruction may occur during diaphragm pacing in a sleeping child without a tracheostomy 6. Know that the complications of diaphragm pacing include phrenic nerve injury during surgery, infection of an implanted foreign body, and unknown long-term sequelae of phrenic nerve stimulation 6. Risks/complications a. Recognize the risks and complications of mechanical ventilation 7. Intubation a. Recognize the complications associated with endotracheal intubation in children b. Recognize the indications for selective bronchial intubation c. Recognize the indications for endotracheal intubation in children L. Home monitoring 1. Recognize the indications for home monitoring 2. Understand that the benefit of home monitoring in the prevention of sudden infant death syndrome is unproven M. Incentive spirometry 1. Recognize the indications for incentive spirometry N. Adherence 1. Know the methods of assessing drug adherence in patients with respiratory disorders 2. Know that lack of adherence is a major factor in failure rates of prescribed therapeutic regimens 3. Know ways to enhance patient adherence with therapeutic regimens 4. Recognize factors that contribute to poor adherence with therapy O. Lung transplantation 1. Indications a. Recognize clinical indications for heart-lung, bilateral lung, and single-lung transplantation 2. Complications a. Know that most acute rejection episodes following heart-lung or lung transplantation occur in the first three months after the surgery b. Recognize the signs and symptoms of acute rejection following heart-lung or lung transplantation c. Know that transbronchial biopsy is the standard method for diagnosing acute rejection following heart-lung or lung transplantation d. Recognize the usual histologic pattern of acute rejection following heart-lung or lung transplantation e. Know that obliterative bronchiolitis is the most frequent pattern of chronic rejection following heart-lung or lung transplantation f. Recognize the common agents that cause pulmonary infections following heart- lung or lung transplantation g. Understand the role of bronchoalveolar lavage in establishing the etiology of pulmonary infection following heart-lung or lung transplantation