Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 200 ❚ A. Immunizations 1. Pertussis a. Composition b. Efficacy 1. Know that it takes a series of pertussis vaccinations to achieve protection in young children 2. Know the efficacy of acellular pertussis vaccination 3. Know that a booster (Tdap) is recommended for adolescents 11 to 18 years of age 4. Understand the concept of herd immunity and the increased risk for pertussis in the absence of widespread immunity in a population c. Complications 1. Know the safety of the acellular pertussis vaccination 2. Diphtheria a. Composition 1. Know that diphtheria vaccine is a toxoid b. Efficacy 1. Know that a series of diphtheria vaccinations is required to achieve protection 3. Haemophilus influenzae a. Composition b. Efficacy 1. Know the efficacy of Haemophilus influenzae vaccine for respiratory disease 4. Measles a. Composition 1. Know that the measles vaccine is a live virus preparation b. Efficacy 1. Know that two doses of measles vaccine are recommended for normal children c. Complications 1. Recognize the absolute contraindications for measles vaccination 5. Tuberculosis a. Composition 1. Know that bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccine consists of a live attenuated strain of Mycobacterium bovis b. Efficacy 1. Recognize the indications for bacille Calmette Guerin vaccine in developed and undeveloped countries 2. Know the efficacy of bacille Calmette Guerin vaccine c. Complications 1. Know how to interpret results of a tuberculin skin test in a patient who has been vaccinated with bacille Calmette Guerin vaccine 2. Recognize the complications of bacille Calmette Guerin vaccine 6. Pneumococcal a. Composition 1. Know that 23-valent pneumococcal vaccine is composed of purified capsular polysaccharide from the serotypes that most commonly cause serious pneumococcal disease