Neumología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 207 2. Understand how the scalene and sternocleidomastoid muscles contribute to respiration d. Abdominal 1. Recognize the role of abdominal muscles in respiration, ie, stabilizing chest wall and expiratory movements (cough and exercise) 2. Understand the role of the abdominal muscles in cough 3. Neurovascular supply a. Know the location of the neurovascular bundle supply to the intercostal muscles 4. Pleural space (see pleural diseases) a. Parietal pleura 1. Understand the contribution of the parietal pleura to the production and clearance of pleural fluid 2. Understand the innervation of the parietal pleura b. Visceral pleura 1. Understand the innervation of the visceral pleura 2. Understand the contribution of the visceral pleura to the production and clearance of pleural fluid 5. Mediastinum a. Recognize the boundaries of the various compartments of the mediastinum (anterior, posterior, superior, inferior) b. Recognize the normal structures located in each of the four mediastinal compartments (anterior, posterior, superior, inferior) c. Recognize the abnormal structures that may be located in each of the four mediastinal compartments C. Lower airway 1. Trachea a. Length, diameter 1. Recognize the growth patterns of the normal trachea (rapid growth in diameter during the first two years after birth and at puberty) b. Structure 1. Know the tracheal smooth muscle lies transversely between the dorsal tips of the tracheal rings 2. Understand the innervation of the tracheal smooth muscle 3. Understand the effects of contraction of the tracheal smooth muscle on airway diameter and stability 4. Understand the function of the mucus-secreting glands in the airway 5. Know that smooth muscle in the trachea is present as transverse bands between the dorsal tips of the cartilage rings c. Cellular components (see cell biology) 1. Know how cilia beat in a metachronic way and propel mucus toward central airways 2. Know that the dynein arms contain ATPase necessary for ATP hydrolysis 3. Know the cell components of the airway epithelium (pseudostratified, columnar, ciliated epithelium, interspersed with goblet cells) 4. Recognize the normal structure of respiratory cilia on electron microscopy 5. Know the normal function of the cilia