Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 208 ❚ 6. Recognize the factors that affect mucociliary transport 7. Understand the role of mucociliary transport in airway clearance mechanisms 2. Bronchi a. Understand the difference in structure between bronchi and bronchioles b. Know that the total cross-sectional area of the airways increases exponentially with distance from the larynx c. Understand the actions of the subtypes of muscarinic receptors found within the airways 3. Bronchioles a. Know that there are no mucous glands in the bronchioles b. Understand the difference between terminal and respiratory bronchioles 4. Lungs a. Lobes 1. Identify the lobes of the lung 2. Know the distribution of the various bronchopulmonary segments b. Fissures 1. Know which lobes constitute the boundaries of the major and minor fissures 5. Alveoli a. Understand the physiologic implications of the polyhedral shape of the alveoli b. Know that the alveolus has areas covered by a thin layer of fluid and that this "hypophase" is important in surfactant function c. Understand the factors that are responsible for alveolar stability d. Know that the epithelium and endothelium have a fused basement membrane on the thin side of the alveolar capillary membrane and that this facilitates gas transfer by reducing resistance to diffusion e. Know the components of the acinus (terminal respiratory units) 6. Collateral channels a. Know the definition of the pores of Kohn b. Know the definition of the canals of Lambert c. Understand the effects of age on the development of collateral channels (infants have poorly developed collateral channels) 7. Pulmonary lymphatics a. Understand the drainage pattern of the pulmonary lymphatics b. Know that the unidirectional flow of pulmonary lymph towards the hilus is maintained by valves in the lymphatic system c. Know that the function of the pulmonary lymphatics is to collect protein and water from the interstitium and return it to the circulation d. Know that the pulmonary lymphatics travel alongside the blood vessels 8. Innervation of the lung a. Know the innervation of airway smooth muscle b. Know the innervation of vascular smooth muscle c. Know the anatomy of sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation of the lung d. Understand the function of nonadrenergic/noncholinergic nervous system in the lung e. Know the putative mediators of the nonadrenergic/noncholinergic nervous system in the lung