Neumología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 209 f. Know that sensory nerves in the lung are vagal in origin 9. Blood vessels and circulation a. Pulmonary arteries 1. Know that conventional pulmonary arteries run alongside the airways, and supernumerary pulmonary arteries do not run with the airways 2. Know that there are two types of pulmonary arteries: conventional and supernumerary 3. Understand the development of the muscularization of the pulmonary arterial system 4. Understand the development of the response of the pulmonary arterial system to hypoxia (ie, increasing response with aging and extension of muscle) 5. Know that pulmonary arteries can be classified as elastic, muscular, partially muscular, or nonmuscular 6. Know that muscular arteries have a circular layer of muscle, bounded by internal and external elastic laminae 7. Know that as arteries decrease in size, muscle becomes spiral and decreases in quantity 8. Know that the endothelium of the pulmonary vascular system is continuous and nonfenestrated 9. Know that endothelium is an active cell layer and not just a passive barrier b. Pulmonary veins 1. Know that the pulmonary veins provide a reservoir for blood volume and help maintain a constant left ventricular output despite variable pulmonary blood flow c. Pulmonary circulation 1. Recognize factors that regulate pulmonary circulation 2. Recognize the effects of changing pleural pressure on pulmonary circulation 3. Understand the contributions of extra-alveolar vessels and intra-alveolar vessels to pulmonary vascular resistance d. Systemic circulation e. Bronchial circulation 1. Know that bronchial arteries extend into the lung to the level of the terminal bronchiole 2. Know that there are numerous connections between the bronchial and pulmonary circulations 3. Know that one third of the bronchial blood flow returns to the right atrium through the bronchial veins and the remainder to the left atrium via the pulmonary veins 4. Know that bronchial arteries generally receive 1% to 2% of systemic blood flow 7. Lung Defense Mechanisms A. General 1. Know the mechanisms that reduce the risk of developing pulmonary infections B. Modifications of inspired air 1. Temperature