Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 210 ❚ a. Recognize the conditions under which extrathoracic upper airways incompletely warm inspired air to body temperature 2. Humidification a. Know that there is a countercurrent mechanism for heating and humidification of inspired gas in the nose b. Know that inadequate humidification of inspired air impairs tracheal mucociliary transport 3. Particle deposition a. Know that particles smaller than 0.5 microns in diameter are not retained in the lung b. Know that particles 0.5 to 2 microns in diameter are preferentially deposited in the alveoli c. Know that particles 2 to 10 microns in diameter are preferentially deposited onto tracheobronchial epithelium d. Know that particles greater than 10 microns in diameter are preferentially deposited in the nasal passages during nasal breathing e. Know that nasopharyngeal filtering does not occur for particles less than 1 micron in diameter f. Know the factors that influence particle deposition in the lungs g. Know the role played by a spacer device in maximizing pulmonary deposition of an aerosol 4. Uptake of pollutant gases a. Know that the solubility of a gas will help determine the effects of the gas on the respiratory tract C. Respiratory tract cilia 1. Structure (see ciliary dysmotility, I.Q.2) 2. Mechanism of action D. Airway secretions 1. Biochemical constituents a. Know that normal respiratory tract fluid is a mixture of secretions from submucosal gland ducts, goblet cells, and epithelial cells b. Know that the epithelial surface is covered by two layers: a low-viscosity periciliary fluid and a viscoelastic mucus layer c. Know that the viscosity and elasticity characteristics of normal tracheobronchial secretions are primarily due to the presence of mucous glycoproteins d. Know that the airway epithelium secretes antibacterial substances, including beta- defensins and lysozyme e. Know that surfactant proteins A and D have potent antimicrobial properties f. Know that airway epithelial cells regulate the depth of periciliary fluid 2. Control of airway secretions a. Know that airway submucosal glands are under cholinergic nervous regulation (stimulation of cholinergic efferent nerves causes secretion from submucosal glands) b. Understand the effects of anticholinergic drugs upon submucosal gland secretion production in the airways