Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 214 ❚ b. Know that a degradation product of the fifth component of complement (C5) is involved in the generation of neutrophil chemotactic activity 8. Mast cell a. Know the functions of the mast cell b. Know the content of mast cell granules c. Understand the mechanism of mast cell activation d. Understand the mechanisms of granule and mediator release from mast cells 9. Mucous/goblet cell a. Know the stimuli that trigger release of products from mucous/goblet cells 10. Neuroendocrine (APUD) cells a. Know which vasoactive mediators and cytokines are released by neuroendocrine (APUD) cells b. Understand the relationship between the numbers of neuroendocrine (APUD) cells and neuroepithelial bodies and lung maturity or lung diseases characterized by chronic hypoxemia 11. Smooth muscle cells a. Understand mechanisms regulating smooth muscle tone b. Know that pulmonary vasculature smooth muscle in situ has a qualitatively different response to hypoxemia and acidosis relative to systemic vasculature c. Identify the mechanism of action and the effect of nitric oxide on vascular smooth muscle cells 12. Elastin a. Know that the elastin content of the lung increases with increasing gestational age b. Recognize the susceptibility of elastin to proteolysis by neutrophil elastase c. Know that the normal turnover rate of elastin is measured in years 13. Collagen a. Know different subtypes of collagen present in the normal and diseased lung (eg, fibrosing alveolitis) b. Recognize the susceptibility of collagen to proteolysis by neutrophil elastase 14. Proteinases/antiproteinases a. Identify major lung sources of proteinases and antiproteinases b. Know the activities of the major antiproteinases c. Know that reperfusion injury is caused by local generation of oxygen radicals d. Know that Clara cells have an important role in handling inhaled toxic substances 15. Oxidants and antioxidants a. Toxic oxygen radicals (see oxygen therapy) 1. Know which toxic oxygen radicals are associated with hyperoxic lung injury 2. Know that leukocytes and macrophages can generate toxic oxygen radicals b. Antioxidants in the lung 1. Identify the major antioxidant enzymes and substrates within the lung, including catalase, superoxide dismutase, heme oxygenase, and glutathione peroxidase 16. Surface active materials a. Know the components of surface active materials b. Understand the functional role of surfactant-associated proteins c. Understand the functional role of surfactant lipids