Neumología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 215 d. Understand the developmental and hormonal regulation of surfactant production 17. Prostanoids a. Understand the actions of the arachidonic acid metabolites b. Know the pathways of arachidonic acid metabolism c. Know the mechanisms of action of leukotriene antagonist in asthma 18. Fibroblasts a. Know the anatomic location of fibroblasts in the lung b. Understand the role of fibroblasts in collagen synthesis and matrix formation c. Know the stimuli for fibroblast proliferation and collagen synthesis 19. Clara cells a. Know the anatomic location of Clara cells within the lung b. Know that two potential roles of Clara cells are surfactant recycling and active ion transport 20. Vitamin A a. Know that vitamin A deficiency can cause squamous metaplasia of the epithelium in large airways 21. Lysozyme a. Understand that lysozymes hydrolyze structural components of bacterial cell walls 9. Gas Exchange, Ventilation-perfusion Distribution, Acid-base A. Gas exchange 1. Alveolar ventilation a. Effect on arterial PCO2 1. Understand the relationship between minute ventilation and alveolar ventilation 2. Understand the relationship between alveolar ventilation, carbon dioxide production, and arterial PCO2 b. Effect on arterial PO2 1. Calculate the effect of alveolar hypoventilation on alveolar and arterial PO2 using the simplified alveolar gas equation 2. Dead-space ventilation a. Identify the proportion of each tidal breath comprising anatomic dead space in conducting airways b. Calculate dead space/tidal volume ratios (Vd/VT) using the Bohr equation c. Recognize the limitations of end-tidal carbon dioxide as a measure of arterial PCO2 d. Recognize the physiologic significance of an increased (PACO2-PaCO2) difference e. Understand how the physiologic dead space changes with body position (supine versus standing positions) f. Understand how exercise influences both minute ventilation and anatomic and physiologic dead-space ventilation g. Estimate the effect of the VD/VT ratio on alveolar ventilation h. Know the definition of respiratory dead space components (i.e., physiologic, anatomic, alveolar) i. Know that wasted ventilation does not affect arterial PO2 and PCO2 j. Recognize technically adequate end-tidal carbon dioxide measurements as contrasted with poor end-tidal waveforms on a CO2 by time or volume plot