Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 218 ❚ 3. Recognize the changes in arterial PO2 and P50 associated with methemoglobinemia 4. Recognize that some hemoglobinopathies (eg, sickle cell disease) affect the shape and/or position of the oxy-hemoglobin dissociation curve c. Capillary transit time of erythrocytes 1. Recognize the factors affecting the pulmonary capillary transit time of erythrocytes d. Oxygen delivery to tissues 1. Recognize the factors that influence oxygen transport to the tissues 2. Understand the relationship between oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption in healthy individuals 11. Oxygen exchange in tissues a. Recognize local factors at the tissue level that ensure adequate oxygen supply to a given cell B. Carbon dioxide transport and acid-base balance 1. Factors affecting transport a. Recognize the factors affecting carbon dioxide transport b. Know how carbon dioxide is carried in blood 2. Hydration of carbon dioxide a. Carbonic anhydrase 1. Know that carbonic anhydrase is located in vascular endothelium and in erythrocytes 2. Know that carbonic anhydrase accelerates the hydration of carbon dioxide 3. Know that carbonic anhydrase inhibitors can be used to treat altitude sickness by stimulating ventilation b. Henderson-Hasselbalch equation 1. Understand the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation c. Buffering of hydrogen ion 1. Know the major intracellular and extracellular hydrogen ion buffers 2. Know the rationale for correcting the base excess value d. Chloride shift in erythrocytes C. Excretion of acid 1. Normal a. Lungs 1. Recognize factors limiting excretion of acid by the lungs b. Kidneys 1. Recognize factors that influence excretion of acid by the kidneys 2. Respiratory acidosis (acute and chronic) a. Causes 1. Recognize the blood gas and pH changes that are caused by voluntary breath holding 2. Recognize acute respiratory acidosis vs chronic respiratory acidosis by arterial blood gas analysis 3. Identify metabolic compensation of respiratory acidosis and understand that this implies chronic respiratory acidosis b. Treatment