Neumología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 223 b. Know that peripheral chemoreceptors exhibit tonic activity, even at physiologic arterial PO2 c. Know that peripheral chemoreceptor activity increases exponentially at arterial PO2 less than 60 mm Hg d. Know that carotid bodies respond to large changes in arterial pH e. Understand the factors that influence the peripheral chemoreceptor response to PO2 (i.e., increased arterial PCO2) f. Know that the peripheral chemoreceptor responds to arterial PO2 and not to oxygen content g. Know that the peripheral chemoreceptor responds to large increases in PCO2 h. Know that hypercapnia and acidosis amplify the peripheral chemoreceptor- stimulated ventilatory response to hypoxia synergistically, while hypocapnia and alkalosis depress it b. Aortic bodies 1. Know that the aortic bodies play a role in the redistribution of the fetal circulation during fetal hypoxemia 2. Know that the aortic bodies respond mainly to arterial oxygen content and not to arterial PO2 c. Laryngeal chemoreceptors 1. Location a. Know that laryngeal chemoreceptors are located primarily on the laryngeal surface of the epiglottis 2. Innervation a. Know the main afferent innervation of the laryngeal chemoreceptors (i.e., superior laryngeal nerves) 3. Stimuli a. Recognize the stimuli that can activate laryngeal chemoreceptors 4. Reflex responses a. Recognize the reflex responses produced by stimulation of laryngeal chemoreceptors and understand their effects on regulation of breathing 2. Mechanoreceptors a. Vagal 1. Pulmonary stretch receptors a. Location 1. Explain the role of mechanoreceptors in the control of ventilation 2. Know the location of slowly adapting stretch receptors 3. Know the location of rapidly adapting irritant receptors 4. Know the innervation of the stretch receptors (militated vagal afferent nerves) 5. Know the innervation of irritant receptors (militated vagal afferent nerves) b. Stimulus 1. Know that increasing lung volume is the stimulus for slow- adapting stretch receptors