Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 228 ❚ b. Mononuclear phagocytes 1. Understand the role of mononuclear phagocytes in terms of antigen presentation to lymphocytes 2. Identify the inflammatory products of macrophages 3. Recognize the actions of the more common cytokines c. Lymphocytes 1. Recognize the actions of the more common lymphokines 2. Know the role of type 1 T-helper cells in nonallergic inflammatory reactions 3. Know the role of type 2 T-helper cells in allergic inflammatory reactions B. Mechanisms of injury 1. Oxygen radicals (see VIII, Oxygen therapy) 2. Proteases (see VIII and alpha1-antitrypsin) 3. Other (see VIII and I.N. ARDS) C. Repair 1. Normal a. Understand the role of type II alveolar cells in normal repair of inflammation 2. Abnormal a. Recognize factors that may lead to fibrosis within the lung b. Know that macrophages and activated epithelial cells promote fibrosis 14. Core Knowledge in Scholarly Activities A. Principles of Use of Biostatistics in Research 1. Types of variables a. Distinguish types of variables (eg, continuous, categorical, ordinal, nominal) b. Understand how the type of variable (eg, continuous, categorical, nominal) affects the choice of statistical test 2. Distribution of data a. Understand how distribution of data affects the choice of statistical test b. Differentiate normal from skewed distribution of data c. Understand the appropriate use of the mean, median, and mode d. Understand the appropriate use of standard deviation e. Understand the appropriate use of standard error of the mean 3. Hypothesis testing a. Distinguish the null hypothesis from an alternative hypothesis b. Interpret the results of hypothesis testing 4. Statistical tests a. Understand when to use and how to interpret the chi square test b. Understand when to use and how to interpret tests comparing continuous variables between two groups (eg, t test, Mann Whitney U) c. Understand when to use and how to interpret tests comparing continuous variables between three or more groups (eg, ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis) d. Understand when to use paired tests e. Understand the appropriate use of parametric versus nonparametric tests f. Interpret a p value g. Interpret a p value when multiple comparisons have been made h. Interpret a confidence interval i. Identify a type I error