Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 60 ❚ European Curriculum Recommendations Method The different aspects that are assessed include: • Complexity of the case. • Problem list included/complete? • History appropriate? • Examination appropriate and documented? • Management appropriately described? • Plan of investigations. • Treatment plan. • Communication with family appropriately documented. • Follow-up plan stated? • Overall clarity of the written communication/ letter. SAIL is an example of a validated instrument using which written communication skills could be assessed. Suggested references • CrossleyGM,HoweA, NewbleD, et al . SheffieldAssessment Instrument for Letters (SAIL): performanceassessment usingoutpatient letters. MedEduc 2001; 35: 1115–1124. • Fox AT, Palmer RD, Crossley JG, et al . Improving the quality of outpatient clinic letters using the Sheffield Assessment Instrument for Letters (SAIL). Med Educ 2004;38: 852–858. • Keely E, Myers K, Dojeiji S, et al . Peer assessment of outpatient consultation letters--feasibility and satisfaction. BMC Med Educ 2007; 7: 13. Mini-Clinical Evaluation exercise (MiniCEX) A form for assessment for trainees based on the actual examination of a patient in various settings (outpatient, inpatient and emergency department). Trainer evaluates the trainee as they take amedical history and performa physical examination in several patients who present with a broader range of problems. Objectives • To assess trainees in amuch broader range of clinical situations. • To offer greater opportunity for observation and feedback by more than one faculty member and withmore than one patient. PRM scenario A PRM traineemay be confronted with a patient with a broad range of problems, such as a patient with cystic fibrosis where focusing and prioritising of the problems is important in clinical decision-making, or with a patient with an acute problem (acute dyspnoea or asthma exacerbation) where differential diagnosis and emergency treatment are important. Method The MiniCEX takes ~15–20min andmay be conducted several times throughout the year. MiniCEX assesses the ability of trainee to focus and prioritise diagnosis and therapeutic decisions in real clinical situations. Suggested reference • Norcini J, Blank L, Duffy FD, et al . The Mini-CEX: AMethod for Assessing Clinical Skills. Ann Intern Med 2003; 138: 476–481. Multisource feedback (MSF) An assessment method that uses feedback on performance from the colleagues working in the same team. This includes physicians as well as nurses, technicians etc . Objective • To know trainee’s strengths and weaknesses, communication skills, leadership skills and ability to work in a team. PRM scenario In case of training in amedical specialty such as PRM this should be initiated by the trainer and performed within the teamwhere the trainee works. Patients or family of patients, nonmedical coworkers (including other health professionals, managers and administrators) andmedical colleagues (including other trainees and juniors) will be asked to reflect on their professional skills and behaviour.