Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 50 ❚ European syllabus concept version March 9 th , 2019, Approved by the full EPNS board - 3(12) - 1. Introduction Paediatric Neurology has been practised in Europe for more than 60 years. Although the majority of paediatric neurologists have come from general paediatrics, in certain member states adult neurology is the usual route of entry to the specialty and in other countries there is a direct entry to Paediatric Neurology training as a separate speciality after medical school. This syllabus describes the European training programme in paediatric neurology. It is regularly reviewed and updated. The first version of this document was approved in November 2002 by The European Paediatric Neurology Society and by the European Committee of National Advisers (comprised of representatives of National Paediatric Neurology Societies in Europe) and by the Sections of Paediatrics and of Neurology of the Union of European Medical Specialists in December 2002 and March 2003 respectively. The first revision dates from January 5 th 2009 and was approved by Sections of Paediatrics and of Neurology of the Union of Medical Specialists in November 2010. 1.1. Definition of paediatric neurology Paediatric Neurology is the medical discipline devoted to normal and abnormal development of the central nervous and peripheral neuromuscular systems from foetal life up to and including adolescence. Primarily, it involves the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases of these systems and the comprehensive management of the consequent disabilities. Furthermore, paediatric neurologists are dedicated to research in this field, as well as the transfer of knowledge by means of education and training programs. Finally, ethical and societal issues related to neurologic disorders in the paediatric population, have their attention. 1.2. Aims of this training programme: o To improve the care of children with neurological disorders and the support that medical services are able to give to parents / carers, associated medical professionals and other disciplines involved in child health and welfare. o To set defined standards of knowledge and skills required to practice paediatric neurology. o To ensure that research is developed and encouraged within paediatric neurology. o To harmonise and help develop training programmes in different European countries. o To support a high standard of practice of paediatric neurology in Europe. 2. Training content Specialist training of doctors in paediatric neurology involves several elements of which a factual syllabus can cover only parts: