Neurología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 51 European syllabus concept version March 9 th , 2019, Approved by the full EPNS board - 4(12) - i) A basis of knowledge about normal and abnormal neurological function in childhood. ii) Direct personal experience of the clinical assessment and management of a wide range of paediatric neurological diseases and developmental problems. iii) The training should take place in fully equipped departments, which are subject to regular inspection by the national training authority. iv) Arrangements for obtaining widened experience in paediatric neurology at other hospitals must be made within the individual training programmes where specific equipment / experience is not available at the main site of training. v) There are strong psychosocial and multi-disciplinary elements to the practice of paediatric neurology. It is important that these dimensions are included in the training of paediatric neurologists. vi) A period of research is not obligatory in the training programme, but is strongly encouraged. It is essential that trainees have a good understanding of research methodology and are able to critically assess the evidence base of pharmacological treatment / interventions. It is important that there are systems in place whereby selected trainees can engage in research. vii) Trainees should get experience in how multidisciplinary teams function optimally and understand how to lead them. In addition, trainees should be able to partner with parents in the care and treatment of their children together with other professionals and members of the community of the children, especially when communication is complex. 2.1 Knowledge of paediatric neurology A Basic fields of paediatric neurology The knowledge base should be at least at the level of major current textbooks of paediatric neurology i) Detailed information on the normal and common patterns of abnormal development / growth ii) Principles and interventions in foetal neurology iii) Neonatal neurology: acute and chronic neurological illness presenting in the neonatal period. iv) Epidemiology, aetiology, pathogenesis, pathology, clinical features, treatment and outcome measures for disorders including: a) Epilepsies b) Movement Disorders c) Cerebral Palsy d) Central Nervous System infections e) Neuro-immunology f) Neuro-oncology g) Acquired brain injury including trauma, intoxication, hypoxia/ischemia h) Cerebrovascular diseases i) Neuro-muscular diseases