Neurología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 53 European syllabus concept version March 9 th , 2019, Approved by the full EPNS board - 6(12) - C Therapy i) Current treatment plans and newly developing therapies for all forms of neurological disorder. ii) Neuropharmacology. iii) Problems with polypharmacy. iv) Principles underlying habilitation and rehabilitation of children with neurological impairments. v) Principles of management of behaviour disorders including pharmacotherapy, counselling and psychotherapy. vi) Aids used in treatment and habilitation; hearing and vision aids, seating, mobility aids, orthoses, communication aids, computers, ventilatory assistance etc. vii) Nutritional and gastrointestinal aspects. viii) The range and potential consequences of unconventional and alternative therapies. D Multi- and interdisciplinary care i) Responsibility of the paediatric neurologist in a team approach to the management of neurological disorders and disabilities, including occupational-, speech and language- and physiotherapists, nurses, dieticians, psychologists, teachers and social workers. ii) Methods used by other medical and paramedical specialists. iii) Community based care of children with neurological impairments iv) Educational provision for children with neurological impairments. v) Care and counselling in the case of a suspected abnormality of the nervous system of the fetus. vi) Palliative medicine and symptom control when the underlying disorder will not respond to other interventions. E Social care in the country of training. i) Social services / benefits ii) Understanding when and how to intervene when carers have / are not acting in the child’s best interest / are abusive F National Health Care in the country of training i) Insurances system ii) National health care system G Ethical issues i) Ethical aspects of clinical paediatric neurology in dealing with life-long disabling, sometimes progressive conditions, including aspects of prenatal diagnosis, care and life support decisions as well as palliative care. ii) Ethics of research in children. Process of informed consent.