Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 54 ❚ European syllabus concept version March 9 th , 2019, Approved by the full EPNS board - 7(12) - iii) Issues governing ethics and consent for clinical trials. iv) United Nations Convention on the rights of the child and other relevant proclamations and judgements set down in Law. 2.2 Skills in paediatric neurology A Clinical skills i) Adequate and supportive history taking. ii) Neurological examination of children of all ages from (preterm) neonate till adolescent and young adults, including developmental assessment and clinical assessment of hearing and vision. iii) Clinical observation and analysis concerning normal development, play, motor performance and abnormal movements including clinical gait analysis. iv) Being able to put together an effective, adequate and to the resources adjusted plan for investigations and treatment. v) The use of relevant diagnostic measures to interpret the child ’s clinical condition, draw relevant conclusions and engage in relevant therapy. vi) Tests to determine death using neurological criteria. vii) Co-ordination of care for the critically ill child: the management of neurological emergencies and neurological aspects of multi-system illness. viii) Effective and appropriate approach to parents and children including understanding the emotions generated within children and their families by possible neurological illness. To share difficult information in an appropriate fashion and to provide structured counselling at an appropriate level; to know when more skilled or different psychological help is required. ix) To provide consultation to other paediatric specialties. B Academic skills i) Critical evaluation of clinical and research results from literature review of international publications, to present these to peers and allied professionals. ii) Manuscript preparation. iii) To prepare and deliver oral / poster presentations. iv) Support or be active in research. v) Formal and informal teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate level. vi) Active in all stages of the audit process 3. Training programme The overall duration of training will differ between countries and will depend on the route of the trainee through Paediatrics, Neurology or a separate Paediatric Neurology training program. The program has to have a minimum duration to allow the acquisition of adequate competencies, but also to demonstrate the acquisition of the needed competencies and will in general have a minimum of 5 years duration. Whatever route is chosen, training should include a trunk of