Neurología Pediátrica. Anexos ❚ 59 European syllabus concept version March 9 th , 2019, Approved by the full EPNS board - 12(12) - 7 National training programmes 7.1 Countries with existing programmes National training programmes in paediatric neurology should be considered as compatible when they have a content that clearly fulfils the educational aims of the European programme. A national training programme can be evaluated on a voluntary basis by the European Training Advisory Board of Paediatric Neurology, in which the European Paediatric Neurology Society as well as the Committee of National Advisers are represented. 7.2 Countries without existing programmes National professional medical bodies should be encouraged to adopt a national training programme in paediatric neurology and to structure it in close compatibility with this European programme. The instruments to evaluate such training programmes are with the European Training Advisory Board of Paediatric Neurology. Until implementation of such a national training programme, motivated individuals should have the opportunity to train according to this European programme and to document their obtained qualification. 7.3 National Training Co-ordinator for paediatric neurology Each country / national society should have a national training co-ordinator who will for example: - Communicate with European bodies with responsibility for paediatric neurology. - Co-ordinate paediatric neurology training activities. - Check/ supervise presence of exit assessments. - Advise on training issues. - Maintain a database of people in training, training centres, tutors and teachers and regularly update it.