Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 40 ❚ 4 Elements of the Syllabus The Introductory Statement sets the scene for what makes a Community Child Health Paediatrician. The Learning Outcomes are stated at the beginning of each section. These are the outcomes which the trainee must demonstrate they have met to be awarded their Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) in Paediatrics. Progress towards achievement of the Learning Outcomes is reviewed annually at the Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP). Each Learning Outcome is mapped to the General Medical Council (GMC) Generic Professional Capabilities framework. Each trainee must achieve all the Generic Professional Capabilities to meet the minimum regulatory standards for satisfactory completion of training. The Key Capabilities are mandatory capabilities which must be evidenced by the trainee, in their ePortfolio, to meet the Learning Outcome. Key Capabilities are therefore also mapped to the GMC Generic Professional Capabilities framework. The Illustrations are examples of evidence and give the range of clinical contexts that the trainee may use to support their achievement of the Key Capabilities. These are intended to provide a prompt to the trainee and trainer as to how the overall outcomes might be achieved. They are not intended to be exhaustive and excellent trainees may produce a broader portfolio or include evidence that demonstrates deeper learning. It is not expected that trainees provide ePortfolio evidence against every individual illustration (or a set quota); the aim of assessment is to provide evidence against every Key Capability. The Assessment Grid indicates suggested assessment methods, which may be used to demonstrate the Key Capabilities. Trainees may use differing assessment methods to demonstrate each capability (as indicated in each Assessment Grid), but there must be evidence of the trainee having achieved all Key Capabilities. Figure 1: The five elements of the syllabus Introductory Statement Learning Outcomes Key Capabilities Illustrations Assessment Grid