Pediatría Social. Anexos ❚ 43 7 Sub-specialty Learning Outcomes Sub-specialty Learning Outcomes GMC Generic Professional Capabilities 1. Demonstrates proficiency in the assessment and management of vulnerable children and young people, including those with physical and psychological developmental disorders and disabilities, as well as counsels families and carers. GPC 1, 3, 5, 7 2. Adopts a leading role with children and young people who are at risk of abuse and neglect or are being abused and for those who are “looked after”, including contributing to the process of adoption. GPC 1, 3, 5, 7 3. Demonstrates strong skills in working with multiple agencies, particularly with education, primary care and social care. GPC 5 4. Actively participates in planning and implementing local strategies to improve the physical and mental health of all children and young people in their area, including safeguarding policy and overseeing universal and targeted health promotion and protection programmes. GPC 5, 6, 7 5. Contributes with other professionals to the management of physical and mental health of children and young people with life-limiting complex disability. GPC 3, 5