Pediatría Social. Anexos ❚ 45 9 Neurodisability/Multi-disciplinary Teamwork: 1. Describes common measures of cognitive function used between the ages of 0 and 18 years, including their limits and usefulness. 2. Demonstrates the ability to use and interpret validated standardised assessment tools used in the assessment of physical and behavioural neurodisabilities. 3. Assesses development of the preschool child using a standardised assessment tool. 4. Prescribes and monitors medication for common neurological and developmental disorders, along with specialist colleagues. 5. Undertakes comprehensive assessments and investigations, reaches appropriate differential diagnoses and institutes appropriate management plans to meet the child and young person’s medical, therapeutic, equipment, educational and social needs. 6. Recognises the early signs of common complications, associated medical conditions and mental health problems in children and young people with neurodisabilities – both physical and behavioural. 7. Interprets findings from multidisciplinary assessments and explains the outcome and management plan to parents, carers and young people, offering appropriate information and support . Vision and hearing: 1. Identifies when a young person may be at risk of developing a vision or hearing impairment (eg in association with extreme prematurity or familial/genetic conditions). 2. Conducts vision and hearing testing, interpreting the results and referring appropriately.