Libro Blanco de las ACES Pediátricas 2024 46 ❚ 10 Sub-specialty Learning Outcome 2 Adopts a leading role with children and young people who are at risk of abuse and neglect or are being abused and for those who are “looked after”, including contributing to the process of adoption. GPC 1, 3, 5, 7 Key Capabilities Demonstrates proficiency in assessing the health needs of “looked after” children and young people, recognising developmental and mental health conditions occurring in the “looked after” population. GPC 1, 3, 5, 7 Formulates a comprehensive plan for a “looked after” child and young person’s physical and psychological developmental and emotional needs, communicating these effectively to non-medical professionals through report writing and participation in statutory processes. GPC 3, 5, 7 Examines the whole child and young person, including both physical and psychological development, the genitalia, recognising signs of abuse and/ or neglect. GPC 3, 5, 7 Formulates differential diagnoses, conducts appropriate investigations and advises safeguarding agencies on their findings. GPC 3, 5, 7 Illustrations 1. Recognises the implications of attachment difficulties, particularly for those in care or adopted. 2. Recognises the immediate and long-term impact of parental factors on outcomes for “looked after” and adopted children and young people and advises adoption and fostering agencies on these issues. 3. Conducts a holistic assessment, highlighting protective and risk factors. 4. Recognises the impact of maltreatment and other social adversity on children and young people’s emotional well-being. 5. Recognises sexually transmitted infections in children and young people and refers appropriately. 6. Recognises when an emotional or behavioural presentation may be a consequence of current or previous maltreatment and assesses the impact of neglect over time.