Pediatría Social. Anexos ❚ 51 15 Key Capabilities Assessment / Supervised Learning Event suggestions Paediatric Mini Clinical Evaluation (ePaed Mini-CEX) Paediatric Case-based Discussion (ePaed CbD) Directly Observed Procedure / Assessment of Performance (DOP/AoP) Acute Care Assessment Tool (ACAT) Discussion of Correspondence (DOC) Clinical Leadership Assessment Skills (LEADER) Handover Assessment Tool (HAT) Paediatric Multi Source Feedback (ePaed MSF) Paediatric Carers for Children Feedback (Paed CCF) Other Works effectively with other agencies (such as educational, primary care and social care) and the voluntary sector to support and manage children with neuro-developmental conditions/disabilities, including providing advice for statutory processes (eg the Education Health and Care Plan [EHCP]).    Formulates a comprehensive report on a child and young person’s physical and psychological developmental and emotional presentation, communicating these effectively to both non- medical professionals and the courts through report writing and participation in statutory processes.    Applies knowledge of public health to work with other agencies to provide paediatric input for the commissioning and planning of services for children and young people.     Contributes to end-of-life care plans for children and young people with complex disability.    