sustainable socio-economic alternatives
in these regions.
• Ensuring the fulfilment of 2020 and 2030
targets for energy efficiency. Energy effi-
ciency plans for both private and public
sector facilities (schools, public sports
centres, office buildings, etc.) should be
backed by technical support centres and
financing for energy audits.
– Rethinking the current EU energy strategy
with an eye to reducing support for gas and
oil and promoting the greater use of renew-
able energies.
– Creating lines of financing that target public
green investment at the national level as well
as that provided through the European
Investment bank (EIB). Accounting rules on
public debt and deficit need to be reviewed
and modified so that public investments in
green projects are not necessarily counted as
deficits in national accounts. Climate change
funding should not be limited solely to that
earmarked for development cooperation
projects, and Europe must provide its share
of the USD 100 billion earmarked for devel-
oping countries established in the Paris
Agreement proportionate to its responsibili-
ty and capacity.
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Reinforcing the work being done by civil so-
ciety organisations, interest groups and
small- and medium-size enterprises involved
in the production and use of renewable en-
ergies, the promotion of energy efficiency,
the reduction of industrial pollution and the
improvement of air quality in recognition of
the key role they are playing in the achieve-
ment of medium- and long-term environ-
mental goals in Europe.