18.Establish that any substantial reform of the
Constitution (or of the Treaties) will require a
European Convention to be held.
19.Create a new European Referendum system
to apply initially to substantial reforms to the
Constitution (or the Treaties) and to be called
with the authorization of the European
Parliament and the European Council, at the
proposal of the Commission.
Competencies and resources
20.Attribute new competencies to the EU in eco-
nomic and social affairs, including issues such
as the creation of a European Treasury
Department and the issue of eurobonds, fiscal
harmonization, establishing employment rules
with the same status as the rules governing
the single market, establishing a European
minimum salary, and supplementary provi-
sions for unemployment, health and educa-
21.Include in the Constitution (or in the Treaties)
the Treaty on Stability that expires in 2017,
together with the reforms adopted in the
sphere of economic governance.
22.Modify the Multiannual Financial Framework,
reducing its duration to five years so that it co-
incides with the term of the European
Parliament andthemandateof theCommission.
23.Attribute competencies to the EU to intro-
duce, in the secondary education curriculum
of member states, topics covering the his-
tory and operation of the Union drawing on
a shared, compulsory curriculum.