one that seeks to forestall the radicalization of individuals who, for
various reasons, are tempted to join violent jihadism. This approach
should emphasize educational work and should mobilize physical
and human resources in the social, political and economic sphere,
in order to ensure the full integration of all members of each na-
tional community.
– We need to avoid demonizing Islam and non-violent Islamism. Partly
because such movements have clearly shown that they have the
support of local populations – which means that there is no solution
to this situation without their participation – and also because any
strategy must start by establishing a clear boundary between those
who opt for violence and those who reject it. For the same reasons,
it is important to establish permanent channels of dialogue with
authorized representatives of Islam who are accepted and respected
in these societies, as partners to isolate the advocates of violence.
– We need to use every possible instrument at both the national and
the EU level – particularly in the fields of trade and finance, but also
with regard to peaceful conflict resolution – to narrow the inequal-
ity gaps that define the Mediterranean basin.
– We need to staunch the financial flows that fund jihadi terrorism
and to make progress in coordinating the struggle against this
threat, something that requires a genuine Common Security and
Defence Policy.
– The EU should develop a strategy to address return trips to jihadist
destinations around the Mediterranean (Syria, Yemen, Libya, and
the Sahel). To do this, we will need selective criteria and filters to
detect trips by potential jihadists from or to the EU. These criteria
and filters must respect fundamental rights and freedoms, and not
be discriminatory or abusive. The aim is to guarantee security with-
out harming freedom.
11.Political Union and progress towards the democratic legitimacy
of the EU
– We need to reform the Treaties through a Convention and the cor-
responding Intergovernmental Conference to complete political,
economic and social union, and convert the EU Treaty into a
European Constitution that is clear, concise and comprehensible.
– This Constitution needs to grant new powers to the European
Parliament, so that it is able to assume political leadership in re-
sponse to the challenges of the current European legislature.