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The social and political consequences

of the bailout

In respect to the aspects underestimated by the

IMF the consequences of the programme can

be summarised in three words: impoverishment,

inequality and emigration.

The impoverishment of Portuguese society,

attributable above all to unemployment, lower

wages and a lack of social protection, is clearly

reflected in the official statistics. The National

Statistics Institute’s annual living conditions and

income survey shows that the percentage of

people at risk of poverty rose from 18.1% in

2010 to 19.5% in 2013


. The increase in the

risk of poverty affected all age groups, but espe-

cially those under the age of 18. For children, it

went from 22.3% in 2010, to 24.4% in 2012

and 25.6% in 2013. This impoverishment is

confirmed by the worsening of the material

deprivation indexes. In 2011, 20.9% of the res-

idents of Portugal were living in material depri-

vation and 8.3% in severe material deprivation.

By 2014, these levels had risen to 25.7% and

10.6%, respectively.

Unemployment is the major cause of impover-

ishment. In 2010, 36% of the unemployed were

at risk of poverty but this percentage rose to

40.3% in 2012 and 40.5% in 2013. However,

the situation of those in employment also deterio-

rated. The risk of poverty for the employed rose

from a rate of 10.3% in 2010 to 10.7% in 2013.

The “internal devaluation” inscribed in the

memorandum has been translated into an ef-

fective devaluation of work and the transfer of


 This indicator has a limitation in that it is sensitive to

changes in the median income. If we remove the median

variation effect, anchoring the indicator to 2009 values,

the increase in the percentage of people at risk of pover-

ty would be much higher: rising from 17.9% in 2009 to

25.9% in 2013.

the income from labour to capital. The meas-

ures cutting public sector salaries, which served

as a benchmark for the private sector, were the

precursors of a process that would affect all of

Portuguese society.

In April 2011, the average wage was

962.90. By April 2014, average compensation

had fallen to

948.80. Despite the national

minimum wage being frozen at

485, the num-

ber of workers covered by the minimum wage

went up from 10.9% of all workers in April

2011 to around 15% in April 2014.

The devaluation of work, due to increased

unemployment, and changes in labour legisla-

tion designed to reduce “wage costs” for com-

panies led to a regressive distribution of huge




Between the second quarter of 2011 and

the third quarter of 2014 there was a noticeable

drop in income from wages (of

5.8 million, or

6.9%), accompanied by a significant increase in

income from capital (an increase of

3.5 mil-

lion, or 36%, in income from property and

860 million, or 2.8%, in the gross operating

surplus of companies).

In spite of the increase in unemployment

and the fall in the value of wages, the pro-

gramme increased the restrictions on access to

and the value of social benefits. Since 2010,

even before the adjustment programme came

into force, mechanisms to assess the resources

of recipients became generalised, setting limits

above which support would not be given. The

mesh was even tighter in 2012, under the guid-

ance of the Troika.


 See Reis, José (coord.) (2014),

A Economia Política do

Retrocesso: Crises, Causas e Objetivos (Regressive Economic

Policy: Crises, Causes and Objectives)

, Crises and Alterna-

tives Observatory, Almedina, Ch. 3.