Mohammad Ali Shabani
In contrast, Iraq was the first foreign destination of current Iranian Foreign Minister
Mohammad Javad Zarif upon his appointment in August 2013, and a key feature of this
visit was indeed an audience with Grand Ayatollah Sistani.
There are of course many and complicated layers and aspects of the aforementioned
decision making process, but the point here is to highlight the importance of Iranian
domestic politics, and the manner in which both Iranians and Iraqis not only comprehend
how this affects policy and relations but also adapt accordingly.
In conclusion, when reviewing Iranian influence in Iraq, it is necessary to look beyond
mainstream discourse of sectarian amity or ethnic enmity between the two countries. In the
grander scheme of things, Iran and Iraq have the potential to form part of the backbone of
an alternative regional order. The interconnected nature of the fates of these two countries
is the reason why Iranian officials such as Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei have stated
that “the security of Iraq is that of Iran.” To truly understand the nature of Iranian influence
in Iraq, there is a need for better understanding of Iranian interests and domestic politics.